SMART RECOVERY: 60 min. Meetings are open to the Public and an alternative to AA and NA program. This is a confidential self-empowering program. There is no cost to attend, however a hat may be passed for coffee donations. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research. SMART recovery is a self- help process that offers discussion forums.
ALL RECOVERY GROUPS: Group meetings are based on the idea that there are great benefits to bringing people together from multiple recovery pathways. HALO is hosting throughout the Upper Valley area. (Lebanon and Canaan) These 60 min. meetings honor all pathways to recovery, acknowledging that each person’s path is unique and reflects their personal strengths. The meetings are an opportunity for social support that focuses on the hope and healing found in recovery and to connect with others who are initiating and maintaining a recovery lifestyle. Come, socialize, share!! Friends and family members welcome to attend.