The instructions below walk through how to designate an SAP in the Clearinghouse. To complete this action, a driver must be registered in the Clearinghouse.
When coordinating with your chosen SAP, be sure they have registered for the Clearinghouse, as an SAP must be registered to accept your designation request and enter information about your RTD process.
Visit Click Log In and access the Clearinghouse using your username and password. If you have a new violation in your Clearinghouse record, your Driver Dashboard will display a message prompting you to select an SAP. Click designate your substance abuse professional to begin the process.
Type the name of your SAP in the text box labeled Who is your SAP? If you enter enough characters of the SAP’s name, a list of options will also appear. If you can’t find your SAP, check the spelling and try again. Be sure to enter the name of the SAP used to register in the Clearinghouse.
Once you have identified your SAP, you will be prompted to send him or her a request. Review the displayed SAP information. When you are ready to designate this SAP, click Send Request.
You will see a confirmation message once your SAP request has been sent. Your Driver Dashboard will indicate when the SAP approves this request, and you are ready to move to the next step of the RTD process.
Your Driver Dashboard will update to reflect that your request awaits an SAP response. Your return-to-duty status will reflect that your SAP request has been sent. This tracker will continue to display updates throughout your RTD process. Once the SAP accepts the designation request, you will not be able to designate a different SAP. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, your designated SAP is not able to fulfill the requirements of overseeing your treatment and/or education plan, contact FMCSA for assistance.
If you don’t know or have forgotten your Clearinghouse password, the link to reset it is on the sign-in page. Enter your email address to receive a link to reset your password. Once you follow the link, you’ll be asked to enter a new password.